smartphone on a gimbal

The Rise of Smartphone Filmmaking

I first knew a watershed moment had been reached in mobile filmmaking when I inserted two shots from my iPhone 13 Pro Max into a professional music video shoot, one of which was the very first shot in the video, and no one knew that these had been shot on a phone.

From that moment on, I started to take mobile filmmaking seriously. This page discusses the incredible advancements that have and continue to transform smartphones into formidable filmmaking tools. These pocket-sized devices have shattered the barriers to entry in the world of filmmaking, democratizing the art form and empowering creators like never before.

The Creative Powerhouse in Your Pocket

Take the recently unveiled iPhone 15 Pro which takes mobile filmmaking to unprecedented heights with its cutting-edge video capabilities. Filmmakers and content creators can now harness the power of ProRes recording, a format long cherished in the professional filmmaking world. With the iPhone 15 Pro, you have the ability to record ProRes footage directly to an external SSD via the lightning-fast USB-C connection. This not only ensures exceptional video quality but also enables efficient post-production workflows, as ProRes is known for its robust colour grading and editing flexibility. Moreover, the iPhone 15 Pro boasts impressive frame rate technical specs, supporting high-quality video recording at up to 4K resolution at 60 frames per second and HD at 120 frames per second.

For example, this video below was shot entirely on my iPhone 14 Pro Max and an iSteady M6 smartphone gimbal.

Now, I shot this video as a test using the iSteady M6 gimbal which last year revolutionized the smartphone gimbal market with its AI tracking capabilities. It was shot using the built-in iPhone camera app so doesn’t obey the frame standard rate/shutter speed ratio due to the fact that these can’t be manually controlled from within the app. But the results are still very impressive.

However, the choice of apps that allow you to dial in exact exposure settings like you can a professional camera are now aplenty.

The Rise of Mobile Filmmaking Apps

Beyond hardware improvements, the app ecosystem has played a pivotal role in the rise of mobile filmmaking. From powerful editing software to specialized apps for color grading, sound design, and even special effects, filmmakers now have access to a wide range of tools right on their phones. This accessibility has made it easier than ever to produce professional-quality videos without the need for expensive desktop editing suites.

Getting that Killer Cinematic look with an add on Lenses

One of the most exciting aspects of mobile filmmaking is the ability to enhance your storytelling with specialized lenses, particularly anamorphic lenses. These lenses provide a unique cinematic look by squeezing a wider field of view onto the smartphone sensor, resulting in iconic, wide, and cinematic letterbox-style shots as seen in the stills taken from anamorphic footage shot using an iPhone 14 Pro and Moment’s 1.33x anamorphic lens.

The difference is striking, isn't it? Anamorphic lenses add a cinematic flair to any mobile footage, giving it qualities that were once reserved for high-end cameras only.

Wider Aspect Ratio: Anamorphic lenses allow you to capture a wider field of view, creating that signature widescreen cinematic look that draws audiences in.

Distinctive Bokeh: They produce unique oval-shaped bokeh (out-of-focus highlights) that add a dreamy and artistic quality to your shots. Although it’s worth mentioning this isn’t quite there yet on smartphones.

Horizontal Flares: Anamorphic lenses introduce distinctive horizontal lens flares which you can see clearly in the last image above. For many including me, the characteristic lens flare of a certain anamorphic lens will be the deciding factor as to whether it becomes your go-to lens when shooting anamorphic footage.

The smartphone has rapidly transcended its once-limited boundaries to become a dynamic, accessible, and viable filmmaking tool. With powerful devices like the latest iPhones, an array of creative apps, and the ability to enhance your storytelling with anamorphic lenses, the possibilities are endless.

Whether you're an aspiring filmmaker, a content creator, or simply someone with a passion for storytelling, the world of mobile filmmaking is democratizing the art form and lowering the barrier to entry like no technology before. So, grab your smartphone, unlock your creativity, and embark on an exciting journey into the boundless realm of cinematic storytelling.

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